Rust effect – quick and dirty

So today i want to show you in a short tutorial how i painted some rust effects on my storm eagle flyer. The tutorial is pretty old . I just forgot to release it 
So, heute möchte ich euch ein einem kurzen Tutorial zeigen wie ich ein paar Rosteffekte an dem Storm Eagle gemalt habe.

Schritt 1:
Paint or dab the related part with a dark brown shade. For example Scorched Brown or Calthan Brown.
Malt oder Tupft die bestreffende Stelle deckend mit einem dunklen Braunton. Z.b Scorched Brown oder Calthan Brown.

Schritt 2:
Dab the related spot with a yellow tone like Brown or Iyanden Darksun. Its important to consider that the brush is almost dry like when you’re dry-brush something. So wipe them off carefully on a tissue.
Tupf die betreffende Stelle mit einem Gelbton wie Burbonic Brown oder Iyanden Darksun. Wichtig dabei ist, dass der Pinsel wie beim Trockenbürsten nicht mehr wirklich feucht ist. Streift ihn also gut an einem Tuch ab.

Schritt 3:
Dab the related spot with a orange/red tone like Blazing Orange/Blood Red or Mecharite Red.
Tupft die betreffende stelle mit einem Orange/Rotton wie zum Beispiel Blazing Orange / Blood Red oder Mecharite Red ab.

Schritt 4:
Repeat the dabbing like explained in Step 2. But be careful not to paint too much color to overlay the already painted color.
Wiederholt das tupfen wie unter Schritt 2 beschrieben. Achtet aber dieses mal darauf nicht zuviel der Farbe unter Schritt drei zu überdecken.

Schritt 5:
Paint a little bit brown over the already painted colors. If you want you can surround the rust effect with a little bit brighter tone of the basic color. This makes the eye believe that the rust effect its under the basic color.
Ein paar kurze Tupfer mit den unter Schritt zwei verwendeten Farben und ihr seid fertig. Wenn ihr möchtet könnt ihr den Rosteffekt mit einer etwas helleren Umrandung der Farbe versehen auf dem ihr den Rosteffekt angebracht habt. Das gaukelt dem Auge vor dass sich der Rost unter der Grundfarbe befindet.

The completed effect should like like the following.
Der fertige Effekt sollte ungefähr so aussehen.

How to build the bases for my tyranids

I finally managed to write down the recipe for my bases. Most of the colors i use are Vallejo colors. The washes used are from games workshop.  The pigments are from Secret weapon miniatures.

At the beginning i normally apply the base color for the rock and the sand. Next i spray the sandy areas. After that i apply the washes to sand and rocks. The last painting steps are dry brushing  the rocks and the sand. Last is applying the pigments and the vegetation

Color list:

  • Dwarf skin
  • Heavy Siena
  • Abbadon Black
  • Cadmium skin
  • Pale flesh
  • Bonewhite
  • Ivory White
  • Dead white
  • Charadon granite
  • Heavy Bluegrey
  • Grey green
  • Flat earth
  • Yellow oliv


  • Aghrax earthshade
  • Ahtonian camoshade
  • Nuln Oil


  • Clay Brown
  • Dark Earth
  • How to build the base.
    • Create the rocks with different layers of cork.
    • Apply a mix of wood glue and sand to the other areas
  • Water area
    • “Dwarf skin” over the area.
    • 2/1 mix of „Heavy Siena“ / „Abbadon Black“ to the lower parts.
    • „Heavy siena“ on the raised areas.
    • Then apply a 50/50 mix of “Aghrax earthshade” / “Ahtonian camoshade” to the “shore” areas.
  • Sandy areas
    • Starting with„Dwarf Skin“, then „Cadmium skin” and then „Pale flesh“ mixed in some „Bonewhite“ on top. A little bit of “Aghrax Earthshade” into the recesses and “Athonian camoshade” on the sandy areas.
    • Dry brush with “Ivory White” and ” Dead white”.
  • Stone
    • Base coat with 3/1 “Charadon granite” / “Chaos Black”.
    • Apply a generous wash of „Nuln Oil“ over the rocks.
    • Drybrush with a 50/50 „Charadon granite“ /„Heavy Bluegrey“.
    • Now dry brush with „Heavy Bluegrey“.
  • Pigments
    • Apply a mix Secret Weapon Pigment „Clay Brown“ and „Dark Earth“.
  • Replacement for “Charadon granite”
    • Because the colour is no longer available i experimented a little bit ( actually a lot ) and came up which a mix of colors which are almost like the old “Charadon granite”.
    • Mix 1/2/1 with „Grey green“ , „Flat earth“, and „Yellow oliv“.


Finished Kairos Fateweaver 

When I decided to extend the planned thousand sons army with some demons I was absolutely sure that I wanted to paint this model. Not that the old model looks bad but his one just soooo much better. Another really great model games workshop released.

When I started painting the wings and the skin everything went pretty fast. But from that point, everything went pretty slow. The model has so many small details on it which really slowed down the painting. In the end, it took me almost two months to finish the model.

Thanks for reading and you I hope you enjoy the pictures! For WIP updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

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Hobby desk update Kw 09

Today i want to share some pictures of my hobby progress this week. I probably will do this on a regular basis but we will see what the future brings.

My twitter followers know that its again tyranid time. This time its another trygon model. I simply love the kit. It was the first model i painted for my tyranid army. The goal is to be able to field the Subterranean swarm formation. I know its not the most effective tyranid formation but I really like all of the models it contains very much.

So what did we achieve this week ? I was able to finish the first layer of the carapace last week so it was time to get some progress on the second layer. I should be able to finish this layer on Monday so i can apply the wash and the last layer next week.

Thanks for reading and you I hope you enjoyed the pictures ! For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

Finished the Cerastus Knight Acheron 

Today I want to share some pictures of my cerastus knight acheron. I finished my cerastus knight acheron about a week ago. I really enjoyed painting it.

Regarding the base i imagined the knight walking through the city while searching for enemies. I also wanted to display the knight in a walking animation and not standing with both feet on the ground. This basically means i had only one feet to handle all the weight.  To achieve this i drilled a hole through the feet up to the top of the lower leg and added a pin. So far its holding the weight but you still need to be careful when moving the knight around.
The building itself is mostly made of thermal isolation you should be able to buy in a hardware store. Its easy to cut and does not crumble. Not sure if you can base coat it with a spray can because i just used a dark grey of my normal water based colors to do that. But i would assume its like polystyrene so you better don’t do it. The street surrounding the base is made out of also would mounted on a plastic card.

Hope you enjoy the pictures ! For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

Zoanthrope’s and Venomthrope finished

Today i want to share some pictures of my finished two Zoanthrope’s and one Venomthrope finished. I finished him quite a while ago but haven’t published the pictures on the blog yet.

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

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Patriarch Ghosar

Today i want to share some pictures of my finished Patriarch Ghosar. I finished him quite a while ago but haven’t shared pictures on the blog yet.

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

Patriarch Ghosar

Patriarch GhosarPatriarch Ghosar
Patriarch Ghosar

Runepriest on Thunderwolf

Today i can present you a model on which have painted the last two weeks. Because i wanted to try out the rune priest on bike the idea came to me that i could use the ” Wolf count as Bike” possibility. Some of you will recognize the lower part of the model. Its a Thunderwolf model i had painted some month ago. Because if only have three of them they didn´t see that much action. The Toros is magnetized so i can swap them as i like.
Hope you like the model . Comments are welcome as always !

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They are coming ! Bugs !

I have painted this tyranids some month ago to get a short break from my wolves and have visual display for a color scheme which was floating around in my head for a long time. May be i add some stripes to the back plates but currently i think they are fine.
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The Battle of the Rock

Today i have another short battle report for you about a game i play about two weeks ago at the new shop in town. We played a game with 2000  points in total , 1000 points per player. One of the guys also played wolves so we agreed that i would play with him. I never met the guys before so i was a little bit curious about how the game would work out. Our opponents fielded Vanilla Marines and Imperial Guard. Below you can see a picture of the table and our deployment.

So, heute gibt es wieder mal einen recht kurzen Kampfbericht zu teilen. In der Stadt hat ein neuer Laden aufgemacht und den habe ich mal ausprobiert.Gespielt habe ich mit drei mir bis dahin unbekannten Leuten, jeweils 1000 Punkte pro Spieler. Mein Partner hatte auch seine Wölfe dabei und so bildeten wir das eine Team gegen eine Kombination aus Imperiale Armee und Vanilla Space Marines. Und hier ist die Platte, die wir zur Verfügung hatten.


My army consisted of two Typhoons, three 10 men grey hunters with banner and fist, every pack got an wolf guard terminator with power fist , a demolisher and one rune priest. My patner fielded one ten men grey hunter squad in pod, five fenrisian wolves , a speeder with assault cannon , two wolf lords and canid. I’m not quite sure what our opponents fielded in detail, but there were a lot of tactical marines (20) and a generic hq, a some imperial soldiers , some heavy weapons of different types, an artillery officer and a leman russ. Im sure i missed a lot but i don’t have that much experience with guard.

Meine Armee bestand aus zwei Typhoons, 3-10 Mann Graumähnen(Faust, Banner) und Wolfsgardist(Faust) , ein Demolisher und ein Runenpriester. Mein Spielpartner stellte einen 10 Graumähnentrupp in Droppod, 5 Wölfe und Canis sowie einen Speeder mit Sturmkanone, sowie zwei Wolfskommandanten aufs Feld.
Ich bin mir nicht so 100% sicher, was unsere Gegner da im Detail aufs Feld stellten. 2 große Taktische Trupps mit Sergeant, 1 Kommandotrupp mit Kommandanten, ein Artellerieoffizier, ein Leman Russ, viele Laserkanonen und Raketenwerfer und ein paar Imperiale Soldaten



As you will guess that game would not be very funny for my side with that much of terrain. Even worser we got the mission with one one mission goal ( 3 points worth ) and we also lost the initiative. Our enemies had a look at our deployment and put everything in the right corner far away from us. Fortunately we got night fight for the first round. The games itself was very straight forward. The wolves of my partner as he was the closest to our enemies  suffered heavy casualties during the first couple of rounds . The gey hunters in the pod did surprisingly well and hold until round five in close combat. My troops also got some casualties, but regarding the return fire i did not loose as much men as i had suspected before the game. So i reached the enemy lines with quite a lot of men. The game ended after round five with a 3-3. 

Ihr werdet es schon ahnen, das würde kein Spaß werden. Natürlich zogen wir noch die Mission mit einem Missionsziel und verloren die Initiative. Unsere Gegner igelten sich sogleich in ihrer Ecke ein. Zum Glück bekamen wir den Nachtkampf in der ersten Runde, was die Schussmöglichkeiten unserer Gegner doch genug einschränkte um uns mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen zu lassen. Das Spiel an sich ist relativ schnell erzählt. Wir zogen jede Menge Feuer, insbesondere die Liste meines Partners musste ziemliche Federn lassen. Der Pod richtete guten Schaden an und die Überlebenden hielten sogar mehrere Runden im Nahkampf aus. Ich erreichte zwar dezimiert, aber überraschend vollständig die Reihen meiner Gegner. Ende Runde 5 hatten wir nach dem doch recht desaströsen Anfang ein 3-3 erreicht.

Given the disastrous start of the game we were very happy with a three to three. I learned a lot during the game and will hopefully help me to improve the list further. Every of my opponents and my partners where great sportsmen. We laughed a lot and i think we all had fun. So it was a good game for all of us.

Ich denke in Anbetracht des Geländes und der Mission konnten mein Partner und ich damit sehr zufrieden sein. Das Spiel hat mir ein paar lehrreiche Hinweise bezüglich meiner Liste gegeben. Auch meine Mitspieler waren sehr nett und wir haben viel Gelacht. So war es also ein rundherum gelungenes Spiel mit dem alle zufrieden sein konnten.

I will remove the power fist from the wolf guard. With it the wold guard is too expensive for a simple meat shield. The energy fists in the grey hunters did also not inflict very much damage, but i will keep them in the pack for then next few games. Also the vindicator didn’t convince me. Every anti-tank weapon of our enemies only had one target as there were no terrain to hide him for the first rounds.

Den Wolfsgardisten werde ich für die nächsten Spiele keine Energiefaust mehr geben. Die macht sie einfach zu teuer für das wofür sie gedacht sind. Auch die Energiefäuste in den Trupps waren jetzt nicht unbedingt spielentscheidend, jedoch widerstrebt es mir ohne zumindest etwas in der Richtung aus dem Haus zu gehen. Auch der Vindicator hat mich jetzt nicht wirklich überzeugt. Da er das einzige Fahrzeug in Reichweite war zog er natürlich jede Laserkanone oder jeden Raketenwerfer magisch an da es leider keine Möglichkeit gab ihn zu verstecken.

Grey Hunters – Special Weapons finished

Since my last post with my grey hunters some time elapsed. I would give you a quick update on the current process. I have currently finished five plasma gunners. I´m currently thinking about two make one plasma and one melta gunner more, but there are currently some other miniatures which need some more attention. Hope you like the pics, as always, critic and suggestions are welcome !

Seit meinem letzen Post über meine mit Plasma bewaffneten Graumähnen ist ja etwas Zeit vergangen. So möchte ich euch einen kurzen Überblick über den aktuellen Fortschritt geben. Aktuell habe ich fünf Stück fertiggestellt. Ich denke im Moment darüber nach hoch einen weiteren mit Plasma und einen mit Melder bewaffnete Graumähne zu bauen. Da es jedoch ein paar Figuren gibt die ich etwas dringender benötige müssen diese noch ein wenig warten. Ich hoffe dass euch die Bilder gefallen. Wie immer sind Kritik und Anregungen gerne willkommen.
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Community Update #2

So, some time has passed but i have something new from the blog community that i want to share with you !
So, und wieder ist etwas Zeit ins Land gegangen. Es gibt wieder einiges in der Blog-Community was ich euch gerne zeigen würde !

40k Hobby Blog – Space Marine Scout Bikers WIP

The Land O Misfit Toys – More Pictures of the Stealth Marines

Da Bigmek Wärkstatt – Thunderwolve Ultra Belagerungspanzer


The Brush Brothers – Farseer

WAAAGHPRESS – Das Pferdchen auf der Blumenwiese

Have fun with the pictures and i wish you a nice week !
Leider wars das schon für diese Woche.
Viel Spaß dennoch mit den Bildern und euch allen eine schöne Woche !

Grey Hunters – Special Weapons WIP#1

So , today i have only a small hobby update of my current projects. Currently I’m working on some special weapons (plasma) for my grey hunters. In the past most of my squads used melters as special weapons but with the current edition there seems to be that plasma weapons are the way to go. I want to give it a try so we will see.
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Stormeagle finished

So, its time to get an update on the process of my storm eagle gunship. Its about 3 month since i got the storm eagle from Forgeworld. A long time ago, in a galaxy far away…rhm…wrong movie ….

So, es wird mal wieder Zeit euch auf den neusten Stand der Dinge  im Falle Storm Eagle zu bringen. Nun ist es ja fast drei Monate her, seit ich den Bausatz von Forgeworld bekommen habe.

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