Hobby desk update Kw 09

Today i want to share some pictures of my hobby progress this week. I probably will do this on a regular basis but we will see what the future brings.

My twitter followers know that its again tyranid time. This time its another trygon model. I simply love the kit. It was the first model i painted for my tyranid army. The goal is to be able to field the Subterranean swarm formation. I know its not the most effective tyranid formation but I really like all of the models it contains very much.

So what did we achieve this week ? I was able to finish the first layer of the carapace last week so it was time to get some progress on the second layer. I should be able to finish this layer on Monday so i can apply the wash and the last layer next week.

Thanks for reading and you I hope you enjoyed the pictures ! For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

Recommended guides for tyranids

Today i wanted to share some guides which really helped me to figure out how i want to paint my tyranids.

The first guide was written by joe from the brokenpaintbrush blog which i really recommend to follow ! The guide really helped me to figure out how i wanted to paint the base and which materials i want to use. Im sure even when his bases are more swamp like and mine are more dessert themed you can see some similarities between them.

The next guide is from the necrotales website. The guide shows step by step how you can paint nice looking tyranids and each step is explained by pictures. Even though the site seems to be no longer maintained its still a great article !

The last guide is from the figurepainters website. The guide explains in detail how to paint the skin and gives some examples how to do the carapace parts.

Thanks for reading and you i hope you will find the guides  as useful as i did ! For wip updates  on my painting follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!




Introducing my hive tyrant

Today i want to share some pictures of my  hive tyrant. I finished the model more than a year ago but haven’t uploaded any good pictures to the blog so far.

Hope you enjoy the pictures ! For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!




Finished the Dimachaeron

Some days ago i finished my newest addition to the tyranid army, the mighty dimachaeron .
Its really a beautiful model that forgeworld has created !

I painted the model during the dreadtober event which takes place every october on twitter. Each person who wants to participate declares at the beginning of the event which model it wants to finish during the month.Last year the event was organized by Greg from feedYourNerd.
This year Joe from Broken Paintbrush organized the event. Each week is dedicated to a specific task which should be achieved during this week. At the end of the week a update report is published to see how far everyone came. You can follow these steps if you want but its also totally fine if you do it your way.I really liked to see everyones progress during this month . As far as i know over 100 people participated in the event. I also want to thank joe for his efforts and dedication towards the #warmongers community on twitter !

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!






Finished the Exocrine

Today i want to share some pictures of my Exocrine. I finished it quite a while ago but haven’t shared pictures of it on the blog.

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

tyranid_exocrine tyranid_exocrine_2 tyranid_exocrine_3

Zoanthrope’s and Venomthrope finished

Today i want to share some pictures of my finished two Zoanthrope’s and one Venomthrope finished. I finished him quite a while ago but haven’t published the pictures on the blog yet.

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

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Patriarch Ghosar

Today i want to share some pictures of my finished Patriarch Ghosar. I finished him quite a while ago but haven’t shared pictures on the blog yet.

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!

Patriarch Ghosar

Patriarch GhosarPatriarch Ghosar
Patriarch Ghosar

They are coming ! Bugs !

I have painted this tyranids some month ago to get a short break from my wolves and have visual display for a color scheme which was floating around in my head for a long time. May be i add some stripes to the back plates but currently i think they are fine.
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Apocalypse now !

At least on the battlefield. At Saturday, the 3.1 6 people have met to play a little apocalypse game.
Tyranids, Thousand Sons and imperial renegades on the one side, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Black Templars and Space Wolves on the other. Both sides fielded 4500 points. The atmosphere was very good and i suppose everybody had a lot of fun. We don’t have any great rules discussions or something else. Unfortunately , the pictures are not soooo good because of the poor light and i made them with my smartphone camera. I forgot my good camera at home. But hopefully you can get a insight into the game ! Enjoy the pictures !

zumindest auf dem Spielfeld. Samstag den 3.11 haben sich 6 Leute zusammengefunden, um eine kleines Apocalypsespiel zu schlagen.
Tyraniden, Thousand Sonds und Imperiale Renegaten auf der einen, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Black Templars und Space Wolves auf der anderen Seite . Beide Seiten führten 4500 Punkte ins Feld.
Ich denke wenn ich die allgemeine Stimmung richtig eingeschätzt habe dass es allen 6 beteiligten Spielern großen Spaß gemacht hat. Auch wirkliche Streitigkeiten und große Regeldiskussionen gab es zum Glück nicht.

Dann bleibt mir nur noch zu hoffen, dass euch die Bilder einen kleinen Eindruck des Spiels vermitteln können. Leider ist die Qualität eher schlecht, da ich sie unter schwierigen Lichtverhältnissen mit meiner Handykamera machen musste. Die gute Digitalkamera habe ich leider zu Hause vergessen.