Recommended guides for tyranids

Today i wanted to share some guides which really helped me to figure out how i want to paint my tyranids.

The first guide was written by joe from the brokenpaintbrush blog which i really recommend to follow ! The guide really helped me to figure out how i wanted to paint the base and which materials i want to use. Im sure even when his bases are more swamp like and mine are more dessert themed you can see some similarities between them.

The next guide is from the necrotales website. The guide shows step by step how you can paint nice looking tyranids and each step is explained by pictures. Even though the site seems to be no longer maintained its still a great article !

The last guide is from the figurepainters website. The guide explains in detail how to paint the skin and gives some examples how to do the carapace parts.

Thanks for reading and you i hope you will find the guides  as useful as i did ! For wip updates  on my painting follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!




How to make a base

In this tutorial i want to show how to make some bases for your models. Bases are a very important part of every miniature and often miserably treated. A miniature can be as beautiful as possible, if the base does not look good its simply not as good as it can be. To make a good base costs not so much time as generally assumed.

In diesem Tutorial möchte ich euch zeigen wie ich die Bases meiner Space Wolfes gestalte. Bases sind wie ich finde ein wichtiger Teil einer Miniatur und werden allzu oft leider etwas stiefmütterlich behandelt. So ist es oft so dass die Miniatur nicht so gut aussieht wie sie es mit einer schön gestalteten Base könnte. Und eine akzeptable Base zu gestalten kostet nicht so viel Zeit wie man glaubt.

First you need some material called “Styrodur”. I had a look at wikipedia, and they state that this are the names for the material in other countries. In Germany you can buy it in tool stores in the area for insulating material. May be there is some longer search necessary because in germany not every store offer the kind of material i use. Styropor, Styrodur (Germany), Austrotherm (Austria), Sagex (Swiss), Floormate, Jackodur, Lustron, Roofmate, Styrofoam (USA), Telgopor (Spanish) .

Zuerst einmal müsst ihr euch etwas Styrodur besorgen. In der Regel sollte ein gut sortierter Baumarkt in der Abteilung für Dämmmaterialien etwas vergleichbares vorrätig haben. Ihr müsst nur darauf achten dass das Material nicht krümelt.

Step 1:
Draw some circles with roughly the size of the base onto the styrofoam.
Zeichnet so viele Kreise wie ihr Bases herstellen wollt auf die Oberfläche des Styropors.


Step 2:
Cut out the rough size of the base from the material.
Schneidet nun mit einem Cutter die Umrisse der Bases aus dem Material.


Part 3:
Mark the position where the figures shall be positioned.
Nun markiert ihr am besten die Position der Figur, um nicht zuviel wegzuschneiden.


Part 4:
Now you need to prepare the surface structure of the base.
Nun müsst ihr die spätere Oberflächenstruktur aus dem Styrodur schneiden.

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