Finished the Dimachaeron

Some days ago i finished my newest addition to the tyranid army, the mighty dimachaeron .
Its really a beautiful model that forgeworld has created !

I painted the model during the dreadtober event which takes place every october on twitter. Each person who wants to participate declares at the beginning of the event which model it wants to finish during the month.Last year the event was organized by Greg from feedYourNerd.
This year Joe from Broken Paintbrush organized the event. Each week is dedicated to a specific task which should be achieved during this week. At the end of the week a update report is published to see how far everyone came. You can follow these steps if you want but its also totally fine if you do it your way.I really liked to see everyones progress during this month . As far as i know over 100 people participated in the event. I also want to thank joe for his efforts and dedication towards the #warmongers community on twitter !

Hope you enjoy the pictures . For wip updates follow me on twitter or for finished models go to my instagram account!






5 comments on “Finished the Dimachaeron

  1. Thor says:

    As I said on Twitter, this is some of your best work. The pose is great and balanced. The basing, with all the little details, is well executed. And of course, the painting looks awesome. Definitely a piece to be proud of.

  2. Joe B. says:

    Fantastic. That’s about it…
    The red is brilliantly done and I love the posing with the base. Great job on finishing him.

    • Wolfsherz says:

      Thank you !
      I was a little bit worried before i started that i could not finish him during the month. Im not the fastest painter and the model looked not so easy before started. But surprisingly everything went really well and fast.

  3. Turkadactyl says:

    Looking sharp. I’ve played a few games with mine and I have not been able to have success with the thorax maw eating a model for the Feel No Pain. I whiff a lot and my opponents rub it in with making the invulnerable save.

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